Advent of Code Solutions
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

99 lines
1.8 KiB

package adventoc2024
import (
type Day5 struct{}
func (d Day5) Part1(r io.Reader) string {
s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
before := make(map[int][]int, 100)
var sum int
var updates bool
for s.Scan() {
updates = updates || s.Text() == ""
if !updates {
s1, s2, _ := strings.Cut(s.Text(), "|")
i, j := atoi(s1), atoi(s2)
before[j] = append(before[j], i)
} else if s.Text() != "" {
pages := strings.Split(s.Text(), ",")
var v1, v2 int
for i := range pages {
v1 = atoi(pages[i])
for j := range pages[i+1:] {
v2 = atoi(pages[i+j+1])
for _, mustbefore := range before[v1] {
if mustbefore == v2 {
continue Scan
sum += atoi(pages[(len(pages)-1)/2])
return printi(sum)
func (d Day5) Part2(r io.Reader) string {
s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
before := make(map[int][]int, 100)
var sum int
var updates bool
for s.Scan() {
updates = updates || s.Text() == ""
if !updates {
s1, s2, _ := strings.Cut(s.Text(), "|")
i, j := atoi(s1), atoi(s2)
before[j] = append(before[j], i)
} else if s.Text() != "" {
pages := strings.Split(s.Text(), ",")
pageNums := make([]int, len(pages))
pageCopy := make([]int, len(pages))
for i := range pages {
pageNums[i], pageCopy[i] = atoi(pages[i]), atoi(pages[i])
sortPages(pageNums, before)
if !slices.Equal(pageNums, pageCopy) {
sum += middlePage(pageNums)
return printi(sum)
func sortPages(update []int, before map[int][]int) {
sort.Slice(update, func(i, j int) bool {
v1 := update[i]
v2 := update[j]
search := before[v1]
for k := range search {
if search[k] == v2 {
return false
return true
func middlePage(pages []int) int {
return pages[(len(pages)-1)/2]