solutions for the Advent of Code 2023
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

92 lines
2.0 KiB

package main
import (
type groundpipe struct {
value byte // value of the pipe
// byte slices should be sorted to allow for easier comparison
north []byte // valid byte set for a pipe to the north
south []byte // valid byte set for a pipe to the south
east []byte // valid byte set for a pipe to the east
west []byte // valid byte set for a pipe to the west
type day10 struct{}
func scanmaze(r io.Reader) ([][]groundpipe, int, int) {
layers := make([][]groundpipe, 0)
row, col := 0, 0
buf := bufio.NewReader(r)
for next := true; next; {
bts, err := buf.ReadBytes('\n')
next = !reachedeof(err)
layers = append(layers, make([]groundpipe, 0))
end := len(layers) - 1
for i, b := range bytes.TrimFunc(bts, unicode.IsSpace) {
pipe := groundpipe{value: b}
switch b {
case '|':
pipe.north = []byte("7F|")
pipe.south = []byte("JL|")
// pipe.east = []byte("")
// pipe.west = []byte("")
case '-':
// pipe.north = []byte("")
// pipe.south = []byte("")
pipe.east = []byte("-7J")
pipe.west = []byte("-FL")
case 'L':
pipe.north = []byte("7F|")
// pipe.south = []byte("")
pipe.east = []byte("-7J")
// pipe.west = []byte("")
case 'J':
pipe.north = []byte("7F|")
// pipe.south = []byte("")
// pipe.east = []byte("")
pipe.west = []byte("-FL")
case '7':
// pipe.north = []byte("")
pipe.south = []byte("JL|")
// pipe.east = []byte("")
pipe.west = []byte("-FL")
case 'F':
// pipe.north = []byte("")
pipe.south = []byte("JL|")
pipe.east = []byte("-7J")
// pipe.west = []byte("")
case 'S':
row, col = end, i
// ignoring '.' and '\n'
layers[end] = append(layers[end], pipe)
return layers, row, col
func (d day10) solve1(r io.Reader) string {
_, startx, starty := scanmaze(r)
log.Printf("x: %d; y: %d", startx, starty)
farthest := 0
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", farthest)
func (d day10) solve2(r io.Reader) string {
return "incomplete"